Brittle can be a showcase for a variety of ingredients, giving each homemade batch its owntexture and flavor. For recipes and inspiration, try one of our...
Inspired by Southwestern and Italian desserts, these cookies combine zesty lime and crunchy cornmeal. This unusual and not-too-sweet cookie is a nice alternative...
Joyce in Georgia, an "Everyday Food" radio show listener, shared a recipe for French coconut pie on air. Readers have been asking about it, so here's the...
This variation on our Classic Shortbread got their name either from their likeness to frilly underskirts or a mispronunciation of the French petites gatelles...
For a showstopping fresh pineapple recipe, try flambe. We use this recipe as a topping for our Amaretto Pound Cake with Flambeed Pineapple but you can...
These pistachio-raspberry tea cakes are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. They call for basic pantry staples like flour, sugar, and vanilla extract, plus...
These are no ordinary ice cream sandwich-store-bought (or homemade) strawberry ice cream is sandwiched between two freshly baked chocolate cookies. You'll...
Pomegranate jelly and seeds provide a sweet ruby-red glaze for these easy, no-bake cheesecake treats that set in the freezer. The recipe makes six perfect...
In this crisp, the apricots hold their shape. The strawberries, in contrast, become saucelike. A 9 1/2-inch shallow round baking dish or pie plate gives...
The true art of making this kind of meringue is knowing the right moment to take it out of the oven -- when it's crisp on the outside and chewy on the...
Brittle can be a showcase for a variety of ingredients, giving each homemade batch its owntexture and flavor. For recipes and inspiration, try one of our...
One of the most popular desserts in New York City has a brownie-like crust and a warm, creamy "pudding-like center." The only thing that makes this cake...
The combination of gooseberries and raspberries in these individual crumbles strikes just the right balance between tart and sweet. A hint of spicy nutmeg...
Tell your sweeties, "You're my jam!" in a way that'll turn them into jelly. Simply roll butter-cookie dough into balls, and press the handle end of a spoon...
Biscotti are baked twice for extra crunch, first as a log, then in slices. You can use other nuts and dried fruits in this recipe, such as hazelnuts and...
Rolling the dough balls in granulated sugar before heavily coating them with confectioners' ensures maximum "crinkle effect" on the surfaces of these espresso-spiked...